Thriller Live Workshop with Ebony Clark
12 November - Kings Hill Primary School
We had a brilliant MJ afternoon with Ebony.
There’s been ALOT of moonwalking, heel tapping, head nodding this afternoon with the older group learning the opening dance from the musical!
Well done to all the dancers, what a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon! An amazing opportunity to dance with one of the dancers from the show and learn the show repertoire.
We Made The News!
One of our new Mummy & Me classes got a write up in the Times of Tunbridge Wells this week!
Please share if you know any mums with young babies who might like to come along to class.
Classes starting in January!
LRSD Performance Team
Very excited to announce our new performance team.
For those dancers who want to push themselves even further, maybe they want to go onto perform, or fancy an extra challenge alongside classes.
This will be a team learning choreography and dances to take to competitions.
LRSD Show 2017- Saturday 8th July
Zoonation Workshop -Sunday 26th June
On Sunday 26th June, LRSD hosted Mikey from Zoonation Dance Company for an amazing workshop!
Fun was had by all and Mikey put the dancers through their paces learning a routine from Zoonation's most recent production "Into The Hoods"